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EnRoute Cannabis


Charms Oasis


We deliver to your door every
M-W-F @ 4:20pm


9154 Hwy 17, Warren ON

(705) 935-0053



Mon-Sat 10-8
Sun 11-5


Jet Fuel Gelato
by Pure Sunfarms


Born in the Pacific Northwest, Jet Fuel Gelato is covered in a thick layer of frosty trichomes. A dairy and diesel-driven hybrid, it presents aromas of citrus and pepper from dominant terpenes caryophyllene, myrcene, and linalool. Its dense sage green buds show flashes of purple and coral.


Dark Shadow Haze
by Kolab Project

3.5g Flower

An always-high THC Sativa dominant strain, Kolab Project X Safari Flower’s Dark Shadow haze is a heavy hitting treat. A cross between Grape Ape and Neville’s Wreck, this strain will have you tasting notes of grape and other berries that can’t be beat.